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Become a trader

If you'd like to get involved in our next fair, the details are currently as follows:


Saturday 18th February


St Andrews St Baptist Church


Please fill in the form to apply to trade. Note that the stallholders fee is £40 for the day, to cover set-up and running costs including hall-hire charges, marketing, materials, etc. 





We're hoping this fair will be accessible and fun for all of the community, including people who may be homeless. These communities will be issued an admission wristband before the fair and they will be able to claim free refreshment. We would hope that our stallholders would also be willing to contribute in some way if they are able, though we understand that for some this may not be feasible.

We also understand that some stallholders may just be starting out, or may not otherwise be able to afford the stallholder fee. Please do get in touch if you would like to get involved and this is the case - and we can work out a discounted or waived fee. It's important to us that everyone that wants to be involved should be able to do so. 

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